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Girl Scout cookie season has finally begun

2024-09-23 04:39:50 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Clear off a shelf and and gird your sweet tooth, everyone: Girl Scout cookie season has arrived.

January 3 marks the official start of the 100th year of Girl Scouts selling cookies -- an annual tradition that began when an Oklahoma troop held a school bake sale in 1917.

SEE ALSO:Watching desserts bake is strangely hypnotic

And this year, the Girl Scouts have two new treats to be guiltily scarfed down alongside our beloved Thin Mints, Samoas and Do-si-dos -- a duo of delightful S'mores cookies. The first cookie is a crispy graham cookie double dipped in a crème icing and enrobed in a chocolatey coating and the second cookie is a crunchy graham sandwich cookie with a chocolate and marshmallowy filling. Incidentally, both seem like they would be great with even more marshmallows and chocolate stacked between them.

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As always, cookie prices and availability vary by local council, so if you don't know a Girl Scout already, start asking your coworkers stat.

Via Giphy

Every purchase of a box of Girl Scout cookies helps power Girl Scout programming locally for nearly 2 million members. For more information about Girl Scouts, visit www.girlscouts.org/join.

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