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'Why are you dressed like that' meme celebrates our favorite fashion misses

2024-09-23 09:35:34 [行业动态] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Have you ever felt like people were judging your outfit, hairstyle, or accessories? Of course you have! People can be rude and unnecessarily outspoken, but a new meme is here to help you cope with overcritical fashion eyes.

The "Why are you dressed like that?" meme is a two-part dialogue and photo tweet format that celebrates fun, quirky, and unconventional fashion. You can use the meme to highlight your own looks, but most people are spotlighting fashion faux pas in TV shows and movies.

To partake in the meme, type "Why are you dressed like that" and "Like what" followed by two photos. The first image is often a crowded dinner table of guests who look like they're waiting to drag your outfit to hell, and the second showcases the wardrobe in question. (This is where you can really get creative.)

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According to Know Your Meme, the meme first appeared on Dec. 15 when Twitter user @nternetgirl posted the dinner table shot alongside an image of a dark-looking low-polygon person, as shown below.

Over the past few weeks, people have been putting their own spin on the meme and highlighting everything from Lorelai Gilmore's Juicy Couture sweatsuit to Chris Evans characters. Here are a few of our favorites.

So why arethey dressed like that? It's called fashion, sweetie. Look it up.


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