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North Korea denies sending arms to Russia amid Ukraine war

2024-09-22 08:32:13 [行业动态] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast
Russian President Vladimir Putin,<strong></strong> right, and North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un shake hands during their meeting in Vladivostok, Russia, April 25, 2019. North Korea says it has not exported any weapons to Russia during the war in Ukraine. AP-Yonhap
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un shake hands during their meeting in Vladivostok, Russia, April 25, 2019. North Korea says it has not exported any weapons to Russia during the war in Ukraine. AP-Yonhap

North Korea says it hasn't exported any weapons to Russia during the war in Ukraine and has no plans to do so, and said U.S. intelligence reports of weapons transfers were an attempt to tarnish North Korea's image.

In comments to state media on Thursday, an unidentified North Korean defense official told the U.S. to stop making ''reckless remarks'' and to ''keep its mouth shut.'' Biden administration officials earlier this month confirmed a declassified U.S. intelligence assessment that Russia was in the process of purchasing arms from North Korea, including millions of artillery shells and rockets.

North Korean arms exports to Russia would violate United Nations resolutions banning the country from importing or exporting weapons.

The North Korean official stressed that Pyongyang has never recognized the ''unlawful'' U.N. Security Council sanctions against the country ''cooked up by the U.S. and its vassal forces.'' The official said the export and import of military equipment is a ''lawful right peculiar to a sovereign state,'' according to an English translation of the statement provided by North Korea.

''But we take this opportunity to make clear one thing. We have never exported weapons or ammunition to Russia before and we will not plan to export them,'' said the official, who was described as a vice director general of the Defense Ministry's general equipment bureau.

''It is not sure from where the rumor originated which the U.S. is spreading, but it is aimed at tarnishing the DPRK's image,'' the official said, referring to the country's formal name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

North Korea has sought to tighten relations with Russia over its aggression in Ukraine, blaming the U.S. for the crisis and decrying the West's ''hegemonic policy'' as justifying military action by Russia in Ukraine to protect itself.

The North Korean government has also hinted its interest in sending construction workers to help rebuild pro-Russia breakaway regions in the country's east. In July, North Korea became the only nation aside from Russia and Syria to recognize the independence of the territories, Donetsk and Luhansk. (AP)


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