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$450 million lottery jackpot has a single, lucky winner in Florida

2024-09-23 14:33:49 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Just one person from Florida gets to claim a $450 million lottery jackpot. Is it you?

A 7-Eleven in Port Richey, Florida sold the winning ticket, bearing the numbers 28, 30, 39, 59, and 70, and then 10 for the Mega Ball, Mega Millions announced. A lump-sum cash payout for the lucky winner would come out to $281.2 million.

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The jackpot winner, who has yet to be identified, gets the entire jackpot but they're not the only one who gets a prize. The 7-Eleven that sold the ticket also gets $100,000, and some lottery players won prizes for matching some but not all of the numbers.

The odds of matching all five numbers and the Mega Ball in the Mega Millions lottery is 1 in about 302.6 million.

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The jackpot winner has 180 days to claim the prize, which is doled out with one immediate payment and then increasing annual payments for 29 years. If winners want to walk away with the lump-sum cash payout immediately, they must claim the prize within 60 days.

In order to claim the Mega Millions jackpot in Florida, players cannot stay anonymous. Their name, city of residence, and some other details must be revealed, though nothing as specific as exact addresses and phone numbers.

The $450 million jackpot is Mega Millions' fourth largest in history, with the largest being a $656 million jackpot in 2012. Powerball jackpots have climbed even higher, with the all-time record belonging to a 2016 jackpot valued at $1.6 billion.

Most of the highest jackpot winnings are shared by more than one winner, however. Powerball holds the record for the largest single winner to date; in Aug. 2017, Mavis Wanczyk of Massachusetts won a $758.7 million jackpot.

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