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Kylie Jenner identifies the arm in her Lip Kit swatch Snapchats

2024-09-22 09:39:30 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Kylie Jenner, woman of mystery, doesn't always keep her plump lips sealed.

She revealed to Fast Companythat the enigmatic arm featured in her Snapchat Lip Kit swatches belongs to a human being who is officially employed as Jenner's housekeeper and not as an arm model.

SEE ALSO:According to the preview of Kylie Jenner's show, You! Don't! Know! Kylie! Jenner!

When a product drops, Jenner likes to take full advantage of the frenzy by fully immersing herself in the Kylie Cosmetics social media world, like some sort of Lip Kit Clark Kent.

"Everyone knows when I’m releasing a product on Snapchat that I will be MIA for the next hour and a half," explains the kosmetics kween. "I’m running around my house, finding the perfect lighting, the perfect swatches."

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Her housekeeper, however, does know where to find Jenner, who is likely using her limbs as a coloring book.

"My housekeeper, I use her arm for my Snapchats. She has the best arm for swatches. She’s so nice and just sits there and has her arm ready and lets me do my thing. I care a lot about what my products look like when people first see them."

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Jenner, who may or may not have inspired Radiohead's King of Limbs,also says she micromanages the Kylie Cosmetics social profiles, and will only reach out for help from an assistant if she's having extra trouble keeping up with being Kylie. But rest assured, no inferior arm will survive Kylie's ruthless judgement.

"Sometimes I delete all her pictures," says Jenner. "I’m like, I don’t like that, it needs to look like this."

Thank you for the kwality kontrol, Kylie.

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