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Rachel Bilson posts the ultimate throwback of a barely recognizable Rami Malek

2024-09-22 20:32:45 [资讯] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

It doesn't matter how successful you get, your old friends will always be there to bring you right back down to earth.

Rami Malek, who was recently nominated for his first Oscar for his role in Bohemian Rhapsody,just learned that the hard way.

SEE ALSO:The 2019 Oscar nominations are finally here

Actor Rachel Bilson just shared what's pretty much the ultimate throwback photo of Malek on Instagram to congratulate him on his Oscar nom. The two went to Notre Dame High School in California together, and they don't look much older than high school kids in this photo.

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"Hey @ramimalek where’d you get that gold chain?" Bilson jokingly wrote in the caption for the photo showing a young Rami Malek, who's sporting spikes and a thick gold chain while embracing The O.C. star.

Bilson added the hashtags #dontforgetthelittlepeople and #oscarworthy.

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Is that really Rami Malek? We'll have to take Bilson's word for it...

One thing's for sure, though. Those spikes are definitely #oscarworthy.

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