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6 Relics of Forgotten Fast

2024-09-22 02:01:44 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Drivers in need of a break and a milkshake have dozens of glowing logos luring them off the road, from golden arches to pig-tailed redheads. But the drivers of yesteryear had other symbols beckoning them. From the 1950s through 1980s, giant dachshunds welcomed Californians to a Bay Area diner chain. Across the Southern states, Yogi Bear advertised fried chicken at a fast-food franchise created in the 1960s and named after the animated pic-a-nic lover.

The heyday of Doggie Diner and Yogi Bear Honey Fried Chicken is long gone. But you can still find remnants of these chains if you know where to look. In some cases, all that remains is the rare surviving sign. In others, a lone holdout store is the only thing keeping a once-thriving restaurant chain from extinction. Whether it means snapping a photo with a building shaped like a derby hat or pulling up a stool at the last Woolworth’s lunch counter, enjoy these relics of fast-food history while you still can.


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