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Kewell's Yokohama beat Ulsan to reach Asian Champions League final

2024-09-22 10:27:47 [资讯] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Harry Kewell said his Yokohama F-Marinos players can "handle any pressure" after beating Ulsan Hyundai 5-4 on penalties on Wednesday to set up an Asian Champions League final against Al Ain.

Former Liverpool and Leeds forward Kewell's side came through a pulsating semi-final that ended 3-3 on aggregate to reach the Champions League final for the first time.

Trailing 1-0 from last week's first leg in South Korea, Yokohama scored three goals in the opening 30 minutes in Japan but then conceded twice and had a man sent off before half-time.

Goalkeeper William Popp saved from Ulsan's Kim Min-woo in the shoot-out to hand Yokohama the advantage in constant driving rain, before Carlos Eduardo converted the decisive spot-kick.

Kewell, who took over as Yokohama coach at the start of the year, said he told his players that "the hardest games you will play are semi-finals".

"I said: 'Nothing easy in this game'," said the Australian.

"You are going to get pushed to the limit where I believe you can handle it.

"I think it showed them tonight, they believe now they can handle any kind of pressure."

Yokohama will host Al Ain in the first leg of the final on May 11, with the return being held in the United Arab Emirates on May 25.

Al Ain beat Saudi Arabia's Al Hilal 5-4 on aggregate on Tuesday to reach the final.

Yokohama looked certain to join them after a barnstorming start to the second leg but two goals for Ulsan and a 39th-minute red card for defender Takumi Kamijima cranked up the tension.

Ulsan laid siege to the Yokohama goal but Kewell said his players grew in stature as the game went on.

"The players were composed, they were confident," he said.

"They were getting stronger and stronger as they got closer to the final whistle."

Ulsan, who had already booked their place in next year's 32-team Club World Cup in the United States by winning the semi-final first leg, were looking for their third Champions League title.

"My players kept going until the end," said coach Hong Myung-bo.

"It's unfortunate because we had a lot of chances to score in both the first and second legs."

Yokohama took the lead in the 13th minute when a defensive mix-up between Kim Young-gwon and Hwang Seok-ho allowed Asahi Uenaka to streak through and score.

Anderson Lopes added a second in the 21st minute, firing home a left-foot shot from just inside the box.

The home side kept up the pressure and Uenaka notched his second of the game on the half-hour mark when he slipped his marker and curled a shot past goalkeeper Jo Hyeon-woo.

But just as it looked like turning into a rout, Ulsan hit back when Matheus Sales headed home direct from a corner in the 35th minute.

Moments later, Ulsan had a penalty and Yokohama were reduced to 10 men when Kamijima was red-carded for a handball as he slid in to make a tackle.

Substitute Darijan Bojanic, who had come on in the 34th minute, made no mistake from the spot.

Kewell admitted Yokohama "rode our luck at times" as they held off Ulsan but said his players "deserved everything they got".

"We're going to enjoy the final," he said.

"You don't get a chance to play many finals in your career so when you do, enjoy it and play the way that you're born to play."


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