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BBC uses Royal Wedding crowd photo to trolls Trump's inauguration

2024-09-22 14:43:00 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

The Royal Wedding day was all about Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and Donald Trump, of course.

As massive crowds showed up to celebrate the couple's big day, many couldn't help but notice that more people seemed to crowding the streets of the post-wedding carriage procession through Windsor than were present at Donald Trump's 2017 Inauguration.

SEE ALSO:Google celebrates Meghan and Harry's wedding with stunning Doodle

Trump's inaugural crowd size has been a running joke on the internet ever since former Press Secretary Sean Spicer dubbed Trump's turnout "The largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe."

Then, to troll Trump, people began comparing scarcely populated photos of his inauguration to larger crowds at Obama's, and the Women's Marches, and so on.

To keep the tradition alive, people were sure to let Trump know thousands turned out to support the Royal Wedding.

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BBC Three threw shade by tweeting side-by-side photos of Trump's crowd and Harry and Meghan's with the casually bold caption, "just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯."

And even Harry Potter author and known Trump basher, J.K. Rowling, got in on the fun.

Other Twitter users followed suit, taking a short break from worshiping the beautiful bride and groom to make some classic American political memes.

Since Trump and loyal Press Secretary Sean Spicer have parted ways, we're not sure who will come to the defense of the president's record-setting inauguration crowds now.

Oh well, congrats Harry and Meghan on your yuge crowds! (And marriage, I guess.)

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