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Wanda Durant, 'the real MVP,' still has her son's back after heated NBA homecoming

2024-09-23 16:22:34 [行业动态] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Kevin Durant famously called his mom "the real MVP" after winning the NBA's most valuable player award in 2014.

Three years and one team later, Wanda Durant still has her son's back.

SEE ALSO:Rage over Kevin Durant's move shows how team owners hoodwink common fans

Back when Durant paid tearful tribute to his mother during his MVP acceptance speech, he was playing for the Oklahoma City Thunder. This summer, he signed with the Golden State Warriors.

Golden State played in Oklahoma City on Saturday night for the first time since that move, and things got heated. The Warriors won easily, 130-114, but there were multiple (albeit minor) on-court confrontations between Durant and his former teammates as the Thunder crowd pelted him with boos and insults all night long.

Many of those insults revolved around a cupcake motif -- cupcakes on signs, cupcakes on T-shirts, you get the idea. It was meant to imply that Durant is soft and weak for leaving Oklahoma City to join the already talent-stacked Warriors after eight seasons with the Thunder.

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To which Wanda had this reply via Twitter on Monday.

"After this tough & crazy weekend," she wrote, "I realized how much I love a GREAT!!! Cupcake. #LoveConquersHate"

The real MVP remains undefeated.

Wanda opened up to USA Today's Sam Amick about her son's unwelcome reception back in Oklahoma City.

"It’s the people who make it so personal, and attack his character so viciously, like they know him -- (all) because he decided to play somewhere else," she said. "But then, the bold thing is they’re standing in my face. They’re bold enough to call him a snake and a coward. One guy even called him – I can’t even say it – the p-word. In my face."

Stay classy, Thunder fans.

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