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Wordle today: Here's the answer, hints for January 31

2024-09-22 12:46:16 [行业动态] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

We're into the swing of the week now, and hopefully your Wordlestreak is going strong. If you're feeling a little wobbly, you can always get on over here for help, every day.

The bottom of this article features January 31's Wordlesolution. If that's not why you're here, scroll down and see what's on offer here, from clues, to strategies. You'll find what you need.

Where did Wordlecome from?

Originally created by engineer Josh Wardle as a gift for his partner, Wordlerapidly spread to become an international phenomenon, with thousands of people around the globe playing every day. Alternate Wordle versions created by fans have even sprung up, including battle royale Squabble, music identification game Heardle, and variations like Dordleand Quordlethat make you guess multiple words at once. 

Wordleeventually became so popular that it was purchased by the New York Times, and TikTok creators even livestream themselves playing.

Not the day you're after? Here's the Wordleanswer for January 30.

What's the best Wordlestarting word?

The goal of Wordleis to have fun, and there's no right way to have fun. Just choose whatever starting word feels right to you, and don't let anyone shame you for it. However, if you want to take a more strategic approach, we have a few ideas to help you pick a word that will spark joy. One tip is to select a word that includes at least two different vowels, plus some common consonants like S, T, R, or N.

What happened to the Wordlearchive?

The entire archive of past Wordles used to be available for anyone to play in glorious days gone by. Unfortunately it has since been taken down, with the website's creator stating it was done at the request of the New York Times.

Is Wordlegetting harder?

It may feel as though Wordle is getting harder, but we can assure you it isn't. Conversely, if you're finding it too easy, you can turn on Wordle's Hard Mode.

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Why are there two different Wordleanswers some days?

Occasionally the Wordlegods will accept two different answers on a single day, defying the accepted norm of one correct solution per day. This anomaly is due to changes the New York Timesmade to Wordleafter it acquired the puzzle game.

The Timeshas since added its own updated word list, so this should happen even less frequently than before. To avoid any confusion, it's a good idea to refresh your browser before getting stuck into a new puzzle.

SEE ALSO:Wordle-obsessed? These are the best word games to play IRL.

Here's a subtle hint for today's Wordleanswer:

You might be this if you don't get today's answer.

Does today's Wordleanswer have a double letter?

It does, and they're neighbors!

Today's Wordleis a 5-letter word that starts with...

Today's Wordlestarts with the letter C, just like yesterday. In fact, both of the first two letters are the same as yesterday's word. Can you remember what that cheeky second one is?

Featured Video For You
Wordle 101: The best starting words to use and why

What's the answer to Wordletoday?

If you want to guess today's Wordle yourself, now's the time to do so! 

Is your answer locked in?

The solution to Wordle #591 is...


Don't be sad if you didn't get it this time — we still have many more Wordlepuzzles ahead of us. Come back tomorrow for more helpful clues and hints!



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