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Kanye West basically outlined his 2020 presidential platform last night

2024-09-23 06:33:22 [行业动态] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

He keeps threatening to run, but what exactly would a Kanye West 2020 presidential campaign look like?

On Thursday night, during a tour stop in San Jose, California, West pulled out a few more surprises in his continuing political saga. First, he announced his support for Trump as president and people were pissed. Then, he went deeper in depth than ever before about what his specific presidential platform might look like.

So based on last night's sporadic, wild remarks, given in between songs or in the middle of them, we've tried to gather exactly where he stands on issues, from immigration to education policy.

SEE ALSO:Kanye West just said he would have voted for Trump and people can't cope

On education reform

West spoke a bit regarding schools, and while we may have to wait a few years to hear any tangible solutions regarding issues like segregation and funding for arts programs, he did expound upon his belief of, "creating new schools that approach the way we should receive our education post-the internet," rather than a, "1930s idea of how to put everyone in the same factory."

"Schools were designed to put people in certain forms of jobs," he elaborated. "The internet has opened up all other forms of jobs. Education is far behind where it needs to be for us as human beings to be informed enough to not be disappointed in the way that so many people were. We have to ask questions. None of us are experts at everything."

On systematic racism, Black Lives Matter, and women's rights

West—who famously said in 2005, "George Bush doesn't care about black people" —is no stranger to expressing his opinions regarding race relations in the United States, particularly in his music. But during the San Jose show, West called upon folks to talk about something other than racism.

"Specifically to black people, stop focusing on racism," he said. "This world is racist, OK? Let's stop being distracted to focus on that as much. It's just a fucking fact: we are in a racist country, period."

"Not one or the other candidate was going to instantly be able to change that because of their views," he continued.

When he revealed his support for Trump, West quickly followed it with a clarification. "That don’t mean that I don’t think that Black Lives Matter, that I don’t mean that I don’t think I believe in women’s rights, that don't mean that I don't believe in gay marriage..." he said.

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On housing

No, West didn't divulge ways to end homelessness or the affordable housing crisis, but while riffing about bringing different skill-sets together in the political realm, he touched upon what might end up being a very aesthetically pleasing housing platform.

"Education, housing," he said, listing issues he believes he can make people come together over. "There’s so many elements that I’ve been out here learning, when I make my rich-guy house and shit. I be learning about elements that everyone should have. Color palettes, proportions."

On immigration

While he didn't outright say anything regarding of how he would help or prevent people from immigrating, tweets from concertgoers reported that West inserted a line in support of Trump's plans to build a wall between the Mexico and United States border.

So, take that with a grain of salt. Just like his 2020 presidential bid.

On preparedness and future campaign strategy

In his candid remarks, West explained that Trump's campaign style was more interesting to him than the president-elect's actual politics. According to tweets from concertgoers, West revealed he was already gearing up for the race.

“There’s nonpolitical methods to speaking that I like, that I feel were very futuristic," West said, explaining what he liked about Trump's campaign. "And that style, and that method of communication, has proven that it can beat a politically correct way of communication. And I fuck with that."

West later rattled on about how he would implement tactics and concepts from previous presidential nominees because, "fuck all the power plays."

"It’s the collective idea of Hillary or, if we like Bill Clinton and things that he did for the country, we like things about Obama, things that he did," he elaborated. "Our current president has to take the best of all candidates’ principles, and combine them right now. If that doesn’t happen, I’mma run, and I’mma say this. And it’s gonna be more clear."

"I got some ideas about the way we should connect our ideas," West insisted. "And we should use opposite parties that the Republicans, that the Democrats, that everyone that ran that had an idea that people agreed with, should be the collective ideas that are used to run the country."

He said this before explaining that he believed Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton and President Obama should all be consultants to Trump rather than distance themselves because of party politics.

"I don’t have all of the answers, but I know that if I work with the best of class, with the idea of empathy for the human race, that idea of a power struggle between who’s Republican, who’s Democrat, who said this, who said that, [but rather with] more of what is the principles that can collectively come together?," he said. "We can start with America. And bring together the best of all skill sets."

See you on the campaign trail/tour, Mr. West.

BONUS: Kanye West for President 2020 | Kids Lip Dub


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