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You won't be able to get your weed by drone in California

2024-09-22 09:39:30 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Weed can do a lot of things, but it can't fly in California.

California's Bureau of Cannabis Control published its business license regulations last week, and those rules include the ways businesses are legally allowed to transport their weed to paying customers. The publication comes after Californians voted to legalize recreational marijuana, but before the state starts handing out business licenses in 2018. And as spotted by Ars Technica, the bureau won't allow retailers to send weed to customers via drone.

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"Cannabis goods will be required to be transported inside commercial vehicles or trailers," the regulations state. "Transportation may not be done by aircraft, watercraft, rail, drones, human-powered vehicles, or unmanned vehicles. [PDF]"

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So that leaves out drones in the air and on the ground, in case there were any questions. It's cars/vans or nothing, folks.

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Marijuana-carrying cars need to have the weed in a locked box, and the driver must lock the car after exiting. Drivers also can't park their vehicles in residential areas overnight if they still have marijuana inside.

And "marijuana delivery person" won't be a job California kids can have in high school, because the minimum age requirement is 21.

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