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COVAX allocates 1.29 million additional COVID

2024-09-22 08:23:28 [行业动态] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast
In this <strong></strong>file photo released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on Aug. 31, workers disinfect a school in Moranbong District amid the coronavirus pandemic. Yonhap
In this file photo released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on Aug. 31, workers disinfect a school in Moranbong District amid the coronavirus pandemic. Yonhap

The COVAX Facility, a global vaccine distribution platform, has assigned 1.29 million doses of additional COVID-19 vaccines to North Korea, a U.N. website showed Friday.

According to the U.N. Children's Fund's COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dashboard, the addition increases the number of vaccines allocated to North Korea to 8.12 million doses.

The number is up from the previously known 6.83 million, including 4.7 million doses of COVAX allocated to the North last month.

The type of the newly allocated vaccines was not immediately known, with COVAX having assigned AstraZeneca's vaccines for the North in its previous decisions.

The total amount is enough to inoculate around 16 percent of the North's population, though the doses have yet to be shipped to the reclusive country.

North Korea has imposed a strict border lockdown to stave off the virus since last year and claims to be coronavirus-free. (Yonhap)


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