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Ahsan Ramzan clinches U21 Asian Snooker Championship

2024-09-22 02:08:24 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Ahsan Ramzan, a teenage cueist, continues to grow and make his country proud. He recently became the U21 Asian Snooker Champion in Tehran. The 17-year-old participated in the ASBC Asian U21 Snooker Championships and successfully secured another title for Pakistan for the second consecutive year. Previously, the talented youth from Lahore had lifted the IBSF world championship trophy.

In the final of the U21 individual championship held in Tehran, Ahsan defeated the local cueist Milad Pourali Darehchi with a score of 5-2 (48-46, 70-5(41), 61-6(52), 62-29, 30-71, 55-67, 101-27). He reached the final by defeating another Iranian player, Tirdad Azadipour, with a score of 4-2 (76-08, 102-01(69), 3-66(53), 75-35, 14-82(41), 81-14(41)), in the semifinals. Ahsan also had an exciting quarterfinal match against India's Digvijay Kadian, which he won with a score of 4-3.

While Ahsan progressed in the U21 championship, Pakistan suffered a loss in the team event to Team India 2, with a margin of 3-2 in the quarterfinals. Ahsan is participating in the championships alongside fellow Pakistani player Haris Tahir and team official Naveed Kapadia. The duo is also competing in the Asian U21 6-Red Championship and the Asian Team Championship together.

Ahsan's journey in snooker began with his late father, and he continues to honor his legacy with each title he wins. Last year, after winning the 2021 IBSF title, Ahsan vowed to continue playing with all his might. He expressed his desire to make his parents proud, even though they are no longer in this world. Ahsan believes that their prayers continue to guide him, and he feels blessed by Allah's support. He plans to persist in playing and pursuing his passion.

Ahsan explains that his passion and motivation for playing snooker are an extension of a wish and a prayer his father made while he was alive. However, Ahsan's reign as the IBSF World Champion lasted less than a year as the international amateur body held the 2022 championship in November of last year. The body decided to hold the postponed 2021 championship in March, which Ahsan won at the age of 16.


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