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Chrissy Teigen trolls her friends on Instagram with news of her dog passing away

2024-09-23 05:32:33 [行业动态] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

People deal with the loss of a pet in lots of different ways.

SEE ALSO:19 times Chrissy Teigen got hilariously angry with stuff on Twitter

When Chrissy Teigen's dog Puddy passed away this week, the model took to Instagram to share a moving tribute.

Today our baby, Puddy, has gone on to the pup heavens. John and I got Puddy in our first year of dating, when I convinced him half-birthday presents were a real thing. 10 years ago, on May 30th, I found the dog that would be there for us through every up, down, new house, new city, new tour, new travel. He welcomed new pups and loved on new babies and new bellies. He was there for everything. Every time I needed a taste tester, someone to kiss or needed to sob into his stinky rolls, he was there. It’s true what they say. We are their entire lives and it is the greatest shame that they can only bless us with a short spark of time in ours. I always knew I would lose a piece of me when he left us. I feel the hole now. I will love you forever, my boy. My heart aches. Thank you so much for everything, everything.

A post shared by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on

That wasn't the only thing she did, though.

Shortly after posting her sharing those photos on Instagram, Teigen was on Twitter doing what she does best: using her often dark, always-excellent sense of humour to deal with the situation.

A few hours later, she went one step further -- sharing evidence of some truly spectacular Instagram trolling.

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Yep -- she's been commenting on friend's gleeful Instagram posts with the news of her dog passing away.

Beneath that photo on the right, Teigen commented: "Glad to see your so happy my dog died".

The post on the left, meanwhile, is from her hair stylist Jen Atkin.

View this post on Instagram

Beneath that post, Teigen commented this:

Mashable ImageCredit: instagram/jenatkinhair

After which the following exchange took place:

Mashable ImageCredit: instagram/jenatkinhair

Teigen's tweet sharing those Instagram screengrabs has now been retweeted over 5,000 times and favourited 55,000 times.

Puddy may be gone, but he's still making people smile.

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