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Watching trucks slide perfectly into parking spaces is a satisfying way to waste time online

2024-09-23 20:23:36 [资讯] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Friends, when it comes to online recreation, you've got a lot of options. You could watch an intricate candle carving video, for example. Or watch slime being made. Or watch a nice clip of waterfall. Or watch a teen pour a bunch of Orbeez into a pool. And there's fidget spinner porn now! It's all right there!

Today, I'd like to throw another internet activity into the mix for your consideration: semi-truck parking videos.

SEE ALSO:I am both mortified and mesmerized by these makeup destruction videos

These clips, which feature massive vehicles slipping flawlessly into parking spaces, fall pretty firmly into the "oddly satisfying" category. The truck drivers, for many of whom this is standard practice, are an inspiration for bad parkers like yours truly, who failed her first driving test (passed the second, though!) and has literally never parallel parked in the wild.

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It's important to note that the videos I speak of are notvideos of people struggling to park, then pulling it off by a hair. Those clips, while entertaining as hell, do not make you want to include a sunglasses emoji when you send them to your friends -- a requirement.

Please enjoy a few selections below. And always remember: you can do anything you set your mind to!

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