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Llama drama: A few woolly friends might snarl Tour de France route

2024-09-22 06:56:39 [行业动态] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Stage eight of the Tour de France is notorious for its steep inclines, but riders may face another obstacle during Saturday's Col du Tourmalet ascent.

We're talking, of course, about a bevy of llamas.

SEE ALSO:Some hero to humanity drew a huge penis on Tour de France route

On July 2, local resident Joël Adagas posted photos of about twenty llamas resting on the tarmac as they often do to keep warm on cool, misty days.

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Mashable ImageCredit: facebook/Joël Adagas

Adagas told the Huffington Post the llamas were originally purchased by the owner of a nearby campground to gobble up extraneous foliage, but were relocated to the mountain pass when the seasons changed.

Mashable ImageCredit: facebook/joel adagas

There's no guarantee the woolly friends will be on the road when the bikers pass, but a little llama drama sure would spice up the race.

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