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Samsung Galaxy Fold phones are already breaking

2024-09-23 14:23:07 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

The Samsung Galaxy Fold was meant to usher in a new era. Assuming we're talking about the era of epic fucking PR disasters, it just very well may have succeeded.

The $1,980 smartphone finally landed in the hands of tech journalists this week, ahead of it's official April 26 sale date, and was met with decidedly lukewarm reviews. And that was before the phones started breaking — which, at least according to a few reporters with early access, they did almost immediately.

SEE ALSO:Leaked video confirms our worst suspicions about Samsung's Galaxy Fold

Maybe this is why Samsung was so secretive about the whole thing?

At least part of the reason for the digital mishap may be that tech reporters — who, remember, deal with weird phones for a living — didn't realize that they weren't supposed to remove a thin "film" plastered across the phone screen.

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If they couldn't figure that out, however, it's safe to assume most new buyers won't either. And anyway, should an almost $2,000 phone really immediately break just because you peeled off a tiny layer of protective coating?

A Samsung spokesperson told Mashable via email that it would investigate the Fold's screen problems. Here is the company's full statement:

"A limited number of early Galaxy Fold samples were provided to media for review. We have received a few reports regarding the main display on the samples provided. We will thoroughly inspect these units in person to determine the cause of the matter.

Separately, a few reviewers reported having removed the top layer of the display causing damage to the screen. The main display on the Galaxy Fold features a top protective layer, which is part of the display structure designed to protect the screen from unintended scratches. Removing the protective layer or adding adhesives to the main display may cause damage. We will ensure this information is clearly delivered to our customers."

UPDATE: April 18, 2019, 2:57 p.m. AEST Added statement from Samsung.

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