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The internet is saying goodbye to Steve Bannon by trolling him with Confederate statue jokes

2024-09-21 19:28:49 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

Steve Bannon, Trump's White House Chief Strategist, has officially left the building and the internet can't help but notice his impeccable timing.

Amidst a nationwide debate over the decision to remove Confederate monuments — which Trump sees as "beautiful" pieces of history — from the country in wake of the deadly rally in Charlottesville, the people all over the web can't help but make one big joke about Bannon's exit:

That joke, of course, is that Bannon has become an ousted Confederate statue himself.

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SEE ALSO:Stephen Bannon, whitest White House person, is out

Though he's not a self-declared white supremacist, the former Breitbart executive was long considered one of Trump's most controversial administration appointees for his connections to the alt-right.

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As he embarks to join the ranks of fellow "pals" also booted from the White House, like Anthony Scaramucci, Sean Spicer, and Reince Priebu, people can't help but send him off with a warm internet goodbye:

Bye, Bannon. Trump just probably felt you could be comparably replaced...

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