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Apple may open campus in North Carolina, home of harsh anti

2024-09-23 01:40:42 [关于我们] 来源:CCTV News Channel live broadcast

As far as corporate allyship goes, Apple has been one of the most consistent friends to the LGBTQ community.

Some advocates fear that may be shifting since Apple is reportedly now considering opening a campus in North Carolina, home to some of the region's toughest anti-LGBTQ laws. While some believe that Apple's move could bring change to the state, others aren't as confident.

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In 2016, 68 companies, including Apple, took part in a legal challenge to help bring down North Carolina's notorious bathroom bill, HB2. The law banned trans and non-binary folks from using the bathroom of their choice, forcing them to use the bathroom that corresponded with the sex assigned to them at birth.

After the NCAA and other companies withdrew business from the state, it allegedly lost $3.7 billion in business.

Mashable ImageCritics have accused Democrat Roy Cooper of replacing one harsh piece of anti-LGBTQ legislation with anotherCredit: peter zay/anadelu agency/Getty Images

All of that was supposed to change after Democrat Roy Cooper was elected Governor in 2016. Even with stiff opposition from the legislature, the Governor was able to repeal HB2. However, the repeal came with a catch: in return for undoing the bill, Cooper signed legislation making it impossible for localities to pass any new anti-discrimination laws until 2020.

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Some critics accused Cooper of signing even harsher anti-LGBTQ legislation. Thanks to Cooper's legislation, for example, North Carolina LGBTQ residents can still be fired for their sexual orientation and gender identity -- but can't be told what bathroom to use.

Others were simply relieved to see HB2 gone. The NCAA has since returned to North Carolina, while other companies have been more hesitant.

It's unclear whether Apple's new campus is a "done deal," as some are reporting. Either way, it's enough to cause LGBTQ advocates and Apple fans considerable anxiety.

Mashable has reached out to Apple for comment.

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